Webcuts meets Farbwerte

Worldwide Creatives are invited to submit a 60 seconds movie/video, which expresses something about the personal position towards Germany. All styles and techniques (live action, stop motion, animation) are permitted.

1. The film must be exactly 60 seconds.
2. The German flag should play a central role.

The winners will be presented in October 2010 in Berlin.

Entry deadline: 6th September 2010.

Submit your movie here More information on Farbwerte.com
webcuts.10 - internet film fest berlin - Call for Submissions

Award show and screening
at ewerk Berlin, June 1st 2010 – 7 pm

And the winners are…


Coverage (German) on freshmilk.tv

submit your movie

Webcuts.10 - from the computer to the big screen: Webcuts presents the best internet films from around the world. The best movies will be presented at the "webinale - the holistic web conference" in the center of the city. Webcuts - shiny pixels on your computer, flickering bytes on the big screen and a sparkle in your eyes - all inclusive...

Submit your movie now!       


* Web Documentary / Video Report
* Infotainment
* Collaborative Projects
* Webcuts Classic

Furthermore, we will be awarding the the "Character Award" for the coolest digital actor and the "Berlin Award" which is specially dedicated to Berlin.

More about our categories       

about webcuts

Webcuts: The best internet films from around the world since 2001.

Webcuts.07 Webcuts.06 Webcuts 2004+05 Webcuts 2003 Webcuts 2002 Webcuts 2001

webcuts movies

Digital master pieces: Webcuts winners & nominees since 2001:

webcuts impressions

Get an impression about Webcuts, the event and the people behind:

Webcuts.07 Gallery Webcuts.07 freshmilk Report Webcuts.06 Gallery Webcuts.06 Greeting Webcuts 2004+05 Gallery Webcuts 2003 Gallery

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organised by

Interface!Berlin - der Multimediaverband in Berlin media.net Berlin-Brandenburg webinale - the holistic web conference

supported by

Medienboard Berlin/Brandenburg


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